Why hold onto a collection of recipes books if you only use a few of the recipes within? Plus, these days you can find any recipe you want online. Of course, you may still want to have all of your favorites, and even some family recipes, stored in one place together. Perhaps you might even want to create your own recipe book, even, and print them online, look right here for an example. The technology of today lets us do many things we didn’t realize we could!

You can do this without having an entire bookshelf dedicated to cookbooks. You can get creative, or you can go the more simple route. Here are a few options.

On A Thumb Drive

Instead of constantly Googling the recipes you want every time you want them, start saving them to a thumb drive. You can get thumb drives of all styles and capacities at extremely affordable prices now.

Thumb drives also make it easy to take your recipes with you no matter where you go. You can easily pop the thumb drive into your laptop or someone else’s computer. You can even copy those recipes to another person’s computer to share them.

On CD-Rom

While a thumb drive is less likely to get damaged, saving your recipes to a disc is also an option, just keep them inside their case when not in use so that they don’t get scratched. This is a great way to share your recipe collection with family members too. You can easily burn copies, design a cover, and pass them out to people.

This is something that doesn’t take up much space, and you can hold a good deal of recipes on them (much the same as the flash drive).

In A Cookbook

You could go old school with your recipes and create your own cookbook. Sure, this puts a book on the bookshelf, but this will be a recipe book with the recipes you use in it. That’s far less of a waste of space since you will get more use out of this cookbook.

Family cookbooks are a great idea for family gifts as well. It doesn’t cost a lot to create a cookbook on your own, mainly the cost of the printing. You can have it simply be recipes, or you can add photos into the book as well, it’s all up to you since it’s your own creation.

On Recipe Cards

You could go more traditional and write the recipes you prefer down on recipe cards and keep them in a cute recipe box. Consider snapping a photo of the finished meal, printing it out and connecting it to the back of your recipe card. If someone else wants the recipe you can easily scan it into the computer or make a copy of it to share with them.

If you get tired of handwriting your recipes you may want to print your cards out. You can find templates for recipe cards online. Then you just need to enter the info you want on it before you print it out.